
17 Things to Do on the Couch: Fun Hobbies, Date Ideas & More

It’s no secret that Malaysians love to lounge in front of the TV. Statistics have shown that the average time spent in front of the screen is about 5 hours and 45 minutes a day. Unfortunately, too much screen time can be detrimental to one’s physical and mental health.

There are endless possibilities of what you can do while perched on your couch. Whether it’s a peaceful night in, a date night, or creating something entirely new – the sofa is the perfect place to start! 

While there’s nothing wrong with unwinding with a good show, it’s easy to see how all that couch time could add up. The good news is, there’s so much more to do on the sofa besides just watching TV!

Productive things to do while on the couch

Whether you’re looking for solo activities that’ll help you relax and reflect or ways to further your relationship with your partner, our list of 15 things to do on the couch has you covered. These ideas are perfect for when you want to switch things up and make the most of your downtime.

1. Treat yourself to a massage 

Photo by fizkes on istock 

Everyone deserves a little me-time, and with easy access to video tutorials, you can treat yourself to all the benefits of a massage without leaving your home. All you need are your hands and a comfortable space to get started.

Whether it be a hand massage for stress relief, a neck massage for knots or tension, or a facial massage for circulation and relaxation, you will feel rejuvenated in no time. Give yourself a well-deserved break, and remember that self-care is important!

2. Start a Blog

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Sitting on the couch and exploring your creative side has never been so easy! Starting a blog can be an enriching experience; it’s a great way to express yourself, keep track of your thoughts, and even build up a community with similarly-minded folks who share your interests. 

Plus, blogging can be an effective tool for sharpening your communication skills while teaching you practical web design and content marketing tactics. 

3. Give yourself a manicure/pedicure

Photo by Galina Kiseleva on istock 

An at-home manicure or pedicure can be the perfect project to add some self-care to your day! Whether it’s as simple as trimming your nails and applying hydrating hand cream or taking it up a notch with an indulgent foot soak, scrub, and fresh coat of nail polish – you get to decide how to make yourself feel beautiful. It’s the little things that can boost your confidence, after all!

4. Having a romantic date with your loved one

Spending a romantic evening with your significant other does not have to involve going out. Cosying up on the couch offers the perfect opportunity to spend quality time together, letting the conversation flow and reigniting the spark that first brought you together. 

From sharing stories about your life or simply enjoying each other’s company in comfortable silence, spending time with your loved one on the couch is a priceless experience. The key is setting aside time for a dedicated date night by scheduling it in advance, dressing up for the occasion, and going out with decorations, maybe even surprise snacks. 

It’s sure to make your love connection much more memorable and meaningful.

5. Read a Book

Get off the ground and onto the couch for a change, and open up a book to lose yourself in another world. Reading can allow you to forget your worries and experience something new, from an adventurous escapade, a business trip, or simply some juicy gossip. 

Whether fiction or non-fiction, reading can lift your mood and feed your soul with knowledge, imagination, or entertainment. Make sure you’ve got comfortable pillows, snacks, and drinks before snuggling into your spot for a much-needed recharging session.  

6. Do some cross stitching

Photo by Vyacheslav Dumchev on istock 

Enjoy a relaxing activity that can complete with only supplies around the house. Grab a needle and some thread, select a fabric or an old piece of clothing, devise a design and start stitching away the day. 

Unlock your inner clothes designer by stitching down in time and let your creativity fly free. Making something new from something old has always been challenging and enjoyable. 

7. Play board games

Playing board games on the couch is a fun way to pass the time and test your skills. Not only do board games provide a creative outlet, but they also help bring people together virtually or in person. 

Board games can be used as an ice-breaker by those who need to loosen up or even as an energizer when energy levels start to dip; whatever your mood or lifestyle, there is always a board game that’s right for you and the occasion.

8. Practice Meditation

Photo by fizkes on istock 

If you need a break from the hustle and bustle of life, try taking five minutes to practice meditation on your couch. Not only can it provide considerable mental benefits, but it may also improve the physical aspects of your health. 

Studies have shown that daily meditation sessions can reduce anxiety and muscle tension while increasing creativity and lowering blood pressure. Plus, by isolating yourself from distractions like phones, laptops, and TVs while in a comfortable setting like the couch, you are setting yourself up for success when it comes time to get back into the world. 

So permit yourself to do nothing for a few minutes each day – your future self will thank you!

9. Learn a New Language

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Learning a new language can seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. An effective way to start is by grabbing a book and finding a comfortable spot on the couch. 

With the wealth of information available at your fingertips, you can quickly obtain books that suit individual learning needs, whether you want material tailored for beginners or something to advance your existing skill set. 

Soon enough, you’ll be able to converse in a different language with friends and family without ever leaving home!   

10. Get Scrapbooking

Photo by Andrey Sayfutdinov on istock 

For those looking for a creative craft project that won’t require leaving the couch, scrapbooking offers endless possibilities. It is a great way to spice up your home decor and an excellent opportunity to preserve memories and share stories with friends and family. 

You’ll need basic materials such as photo paper, scissors, glue, and several blank scrapbook albums to get started. From there, the fun begins! Take time to select pictures that mean something special to you and print them out. Next, choose layouts or themes that express your personality while arranging the photos in an eye-catching composition. 

11. Listen to the radio

Photo by Antonio_Diaz on istock 

A great way to give your eyes a break from screens and bright lights is to tune into the radio. You can get up-to-date news and music, debates, discussions, and even comedy. 

Listening to the radio could make multitasking much more manageable, whether researching a topic for work or simply cooking dinner in the kitchen. Good radio stations offer something for everyone and provide an engaging and enjoyable listening experience that you won’t want to miss!

12. Book Colouring 

Photo by Marco VDM on istock 

Colouring books can be a great way to let your worries drift away after a long day. While sitting on the couch, you can take in the beauty and thoughtfulness of the intricate designs while focusing on nothing but staying within the lines.

Not only can it give you a sense of purpose and satisfaction, but exploring new patterns can also help to jump-start ideas for other artistic endeavours. Its calming effects are hard to deny, so grab your favourite felt tips or pencils and settle into a peaceful colouring session today!

13. Writing Journal

Photo by katleho Seisa on istock 

Keeping a journal can be incredibly beneficial, especially if you’re looking for an outlet to document and make sense of your thoughts. Writing in a journal is the perfect way to explore personal reflection, ideas, and feelings without judgement.

Combining your creative writing with a gratitude list, bucket list, to-do list, or ‘Things, I’m Looking Forward To’ index will help you set goals, stay motivated, and appreciate all life offers. 

14. Create a budget 

Photo by milan2099 on istock 

It’s always been a challenging time to take control of your finances and start budgeting. With a few simple tools, you’ll be well on your way to creating a realistic, achievable budget while sitting in your living room. 

Get yourself a pen and notebook, whatever works best for you. Taking the time to develop this plan and form healthy financial habits can set you up for success now and in the future.

15. Bond with your furry friends

Photo by Chewy on Unsplash

Cuddling up with your furry friends on the couch can be one of the most relaxing and rewarding experiences. Spending quality time with your pets while lounging on the sofa can be a great way to strengthen the bond between you and your furry friends. 

Whether it’s snuggling up for some petting, playing a game of fetch or tug-of-war, or simply engaging in conversation, you can find plenty of ways to enjoy your time together. Don’t forget reward systems like treats or toys as an added incentive for good behaviour! 

16. Style your sofa

Photo by AsiaVision on istock 

Updating your sofa’s style is easy to elevate a living room. Whether you want to make a bold statement or add more subtle accents, there are dozens of ways to achieve the look you’re going for. 

Consider finding new cushions, throws in exciting colors and patterns, or jazzing up your sofa with a few pillows. Delicate decorative trimmings can give your sofa an added sense of sophistication, while new fabrics and vibrant finishes offer an intriguing touch of texture. 

Or you can consider purchasing a new, stylish sofa in Malaysia.

17. Plan a home makeover 

Photo by gradyreese  on istock 

With the expansive range of home decor options available online, you can plan a complete home makeover from the comfort of your couch. Whether you’re looking for new furniture, rugs, curtains, or wall artwork, comparing and contrasting prices on different websites is easy before making a purchase.

Remember to measure the space you’re decorating and account for any unique architecture, like arched doorways and angled walls. Imagine lying on your couch while scrolling through unlimited inspiration at your fingertips – planning an entire makeover without leaving your living room!

You can also consult an expert for professional home makeover services.

How many hours is it healthy to sit on a couch?

Sitting down too much can have detrimental consequences for your health. According to the World Health Organization, adults should avoid sitting down for long periods throughout their day. Instead, they advise us to work out moderately for a minimum of 30 minutes most days of the week. A brisk walk counts as moderate exercise.

Sitting excessively and not being active increases your risk of developing chronic diseases. To stay healthy, limit your total time spent each day on the couch or in a chair to no more than 4 hours.

Adopting healthier behaviours such as standing and stretching every 30 minutes may help reduce the negative effects of hours spent lying on the couch.

How do you relax on a couch with good posture? 

The key to lying down in comfort and maintaining good posture is finding the balance between stretching out your body and allowing it to relax fully. Position yourself on your back, propping up one or two pillows under your head for support but not too tall that it strains your neck. 

Put another pillow behind your lower back to fill in any gaps between your waist and the back of the couch. During this time of rest, stretch out your arms and legs while periodically standing up as well, as both will ensure that you’re sitting/laying down in healthy positions that won’t cause muscle tension or misalignments. 

After all, relaxation should be comfortable but not lead you down a stiff path of a poor physique.

Which type of couch is the most comfortable?

If you’re looking for the ultimate comfort when choosing a couch, look no further than a quality sofa. Not only can the design and fabrics influence how comfortable it is, but the brand also matters. 

Many brands offer great comfort and even have modern designs to choose from. But if you want an excellent, comfortable place to relax, then CUURA Space has everything you need, with a great range of sofas that will fit your relaxation needs perfectly.


Everyday life can be tedious, leaving us feeling exhausted from the pressures of work and upcoming plans. To stay mentally healthy and relieve some stress, we must use our off-time for activities that we genuinely enjoy. 

We don’t always have to go out and seek adventure; sometimes, it is as simple as relaxing on the couch while doing some activities. It can help pass the time productively and allow us to learn new skills, try something new, or escape, even if it is just for a little while.

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